Roof Rats Invading Your Space? Call Us Out for Humane Removal Services

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“I would recommend Cooperstown to anyone looking for wildlife control or chimney inspection, repair, etc.”

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“The entire team with Cooperstown were great to work with. They were able to come out the same day we called to get an estimate and were able to start the work 2 days later. We called them to help with an issue of pests getting into our roof/ attic but they also inspected one of our chimneys and detected a possibly dangerous issue dealing with carbon monoxide exhaust. Everyone arrived when they said they would and worked all day even in 100+ degree temps. I would recommend Cooperstown to anyone looking for wildlife control or chimney inspection, repair, etc.”

Taylor Perry

Concerned that roof rats are taking up residence in your home or attic? We’ve got removal and prevention covered, so you can stress less for the long haul.

What Is a Roof Rat?

What is a roof rat, and what makes it different from other rats? Well, as far as appearances go, it looks like your average rat, but smaller and with a longer tail. The name “roof rat” comes from these creatures’ tendency to settle down in higher parts of buildings – like your roof.

How can you know one is invading your home? Well, apart from officially spotting them, you can look for these signs:

  • Their droppings are appearing in your home – usually by your baseboards
  • You hear their scurrying noises from your attic or walls
  • You’re spotting remnants of their nesting materials in your attic or high-up places
  • Their oily fur is leaving greasy smudges throughout your space
  • You’ve seen gnaw marks on wiring or wooden household items
  • Food is going missing or is getting broken into
  • Your pets seem to going a bit crazy

We Don’t Hurt or Harm Animals

We have decades of experience removing wildlife – like raccoons, squirrels, rodents, birds, and more- from homes in Memphis, and one thing we take pride in is ensuring these critters get out safely. In addition, we always do everything possible to keep mommas with their babies. Despite not wanting these critters in our homes, we still recognize the importance of them in the wild.

We Provide a One-Year Warranty

We offer a written, money-back warranty on our removal services. We guarantee all animals will be out of your home at the end of our service, and if they tear through our sealed areas within one year of completion, you’ll get your money back. In addition, we offer maintenance plans to keep your home better protected for the long haul.

Sound like too good of a deal to pass up? We’d have to agree. Give us a call today or reach out online now to get started with our crew.

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