Memphis Raccoon Removal: We’re the Area’s Wildlife Removal Experts

When asked to think of the more mischievous wildlife critters out there, raccoons are probably one of the first to come to mind. They dig into your garbage, make lots of noise, and lack any boundaries, inviting themselves into your space anytime they see fit.

If raccoons have invaded your living space, you may be stressed. Fortunately, if you’re in the Memphis area, there’s no need to worry because our experts handle raccoon removal safely, humanely, and efficiently. Call now to schedule or reach out online today.

Are Coopertown’s Raccoon Removal Methods Humane?

Yes! We pride ourselves on providing humane and ethical animal removal services. This involves the use of live trapping and exclusion methods that are designed to prevent harm to the critters.

We also do our best to keep mommas with their babies, ensuring they are relocated safely and as a family. Our aim is to address your wildlife concerns efficiently, while ensuring the animals are treated with the highest levels of respect, compassion, and care.

Do You Offer a Guarantee or Warranty for Raccoon Removal?

We offer a written, money-back warranty for full animal removal. We also offer a one-year warranty against animals entering back in through areas we’ve sealed off – and we provide a maintenance plan for ensuring your home stays wildlife-free for as long as you’re living in it.

Racoon on a Roof

What Methods Are Used for Humane Raccoon Removal?

Humane wildlife removal utilizes traps and exclusion devices that ensure the raccoons are safely removed without experiencing any harm or injury in the process.

Here’s an overview of our process:

  1. Inspect Your Property

We begin by thoroughly inspecting your home and property to identify all potential entry points, nesting sites, and/or signs of raccoon activity. Raccoons are clever and resourceful animals that can find multiple ways to enter a home, so we’ll be sure to check common hot spots like attics, roofs, crawl spaces, windows, and pet doors.

  1. Install Devices & Traps

After pinpointing the entry points, we install exclusion devices and one-way doors, allowing the raccoons to exit without being able to re-enter. We may also use humane traps designed to capture the animals without causing them harm.

Every animal we capture will be properly relocated to a safer and more suitable habitat – one that’s well away from your home.

  1. Keep an Eye on the Situation

Our projects can sometimes extend over several days, especially if we’re dealing with multiple critters or a family of them. During this time, we closely monitor the traps and address any unique-to-your-home issues that arise during the removal process.

  1. Seal Your Entry Points

Once all raccoons have been removed, we take preventive measures to avoid future infestations. This involves sealing all entry points with strong, durable materials that even the most nimble and persistent raccoons won’t be able to get through.

We know that raccoons, in particular, can find unique ways to enter a space, so rest assured we’ll cover all the bases.

  1. Clean Up & Complete Repairs

Unlike some companies that leave after removing the wildlife, we ensure your property is clean and put back together after the fact. We take care of removing droppings and any mess left by the raccoons, so your household doesn’t risk getting any illnesses or diseases due to exposure.

Additionally, we repair any damage they caused, such as chewed wiring, torn insulation, or stained areas, ensuring your home is fully restored and looking great.

  1. Offer Additional Advice & Recommendations

Rest assured, we’ll set you up right to keep raccoons and other critters out for good. That said, we can still offer advice and recommendations to minimize the risk of another invasion – things like sealing up your garbage cans tight, not leaving pet food outside, and more.

And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Are Raccoons Dangerous or Aggressive?

Although they are not inherently aggressive animals, raccoons can do a lot of damage – and cause a lot of bodily harm – if they are not handled appropriately. Here are the main concerns with raccoon interactions:

  • Disease Transmission: Raccoons can carry several diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets through bites, scratches, or contact with their feces. These diseases include rabies, leptospirosis, roundworm, and various bacterial infections.
  • Bites & Scratches: In addition to bringing diseases, any scratches or bites from raccoons can invite serious physical injury, requiring the need for medical attention and medication.
  • Pet & Wildlife Conflict: Raccoons may attack or injure domestic pets, especially if they feel threatened or cornered. They can also compete with native wildlife for resources, potentially disrupting ecosystems.
  • Property Damage: Raccoons are known for their dexterous paws and strong teeth, which they use to pry open garbage cans, tear through roofing materials, and damage structures in search of food or shelter. This can result in costly property damage.
  • Garbage & Pest Attraction: Raccoons are scavengers and will readily feed on garbage, pet food, and other human food sources. Their presence can also attract other pests, such as rats and insects, which can exacerbate your issues with wildlife even more.
  • Nuisance Behavior: Raccoons are opportunistic animals and are known for their nuisance behavior, doing things like raiding gardens, stealing pet food, or nesting in attics and crawl spaces. Even if no serious damage is done, they’re a pain to have around.

Now, keep in mind that raccoons will typically do their best to avoid confrontations with humans – and prefer to flee when approached. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and take preventive measures around your home to minimize the risks associated with these animals.

If you suspect a raccoon infestation or encounter a raccoon behaving unusually, it’s always best to contact a professional wildlife removal service for assistance. Coopertown is here to help with raccoon and wildlife removal services in Memphis and surrounding areas. Don’t wait – reach out today to get the help you deserve.

How Do Raccoons Get into Homes?

Clearly having a raccoon in your home is a nuisance, but how do they even get in there in the first place? Well, raccoons are highly adaptable and resourceful animals, capable of gaining entry into homes and other structures through a wide range of means…so, it’s important to be aware and vigilant.

Common entry points for these critters include:

  • Attics & Chimneys: Raccoons are skilled climbers and can easily access roofs, chimneys, and attics by scaling trees, downspouts, or nearby structures. Uncapped chimneys provide easy access for raccoons seeking shelter, where they may eventually become trapped or build a nest.
  • Crawl Spaces: Raccoons can squeeze through small openings in foundations, vents, or damaged crawl space access doors to gain entry into crawl spaces beneath homes.
  • Roof Vents & Exhaust Fans: Roof vents, exhaust fans, and other openings in the roof are vulnerable points that raccoons may exploit to enter attics or crawl spaces.
  • Siding & Trim: Raccoons can pry loose or damaged siding, trim, or fascia boards to create entry points into the walls or attic spaces of homes.
  • Pet Doors: Unsecured pet doors or pet doors large enough for raccoons to squeeze through can provide easy access into homes.
  • Garages & Sheds: Raccoons may gain access to attached garages, sheds, or other outbuildings through open doors or windows, damaged walls, or gaps beneath doors.

If you suspect a raccoon infestation or encounter signs of raccoon activity around your home, call us out to perform a full and thorough inspection. We’ll figure out how they’re gaining access, then work to get them out and prevent reentry.

Call or book online with us now.

Are Raccoons Protected? Are There Legal Considerations With Raccoon Removal?

Yes, raccoons fall under the wildlife category, and are thus protected by law. What does this mean exactly? Here in Tennessee, it means that, unless you have appropriate permits, you cannot release wildlife anywhere outside of your property. In addition, any wildlife trapping methods need to be humane, ensuring no harm or stress is caused to the critter.

Remember that these laws are there for a reason! Not only is it unethical to hurt or kill these creatures, but it can have effects on surrounding ecosystems and biodiversity. It’s important to stay familiarized with local wildlife regulations and consult with professional wildlife removal companies – like us – before attempting to trap or remove raccoons from your property.

What Preventive Measures Can I Take To Keep Raccoons Away?

When it comes to preventing raccoon entry later on, finding the vulnerable spots where they typically enter (and securing them) is key – which is something we specialize in. Once it’s determined how they’re getting in, developing a plan for keeping them out will be a lot more efficient.

That said, there are some general guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk of a raccoon infestation:

  • Secure Garbage/Compost Bins: Use sturdy, animal-proof garbage bins with tight-fitting lids to prevent raccoons from accessing food scraps and waste. And if you compost organic waste, use a secure compost bin with a locking lid.
  • Limit Outdoor Food Sources: Some folks leave pet food or birdseed outdoors, but these are big draws for raccoons seeking an easy meal. If you must feed pets outside, do so during the day and promptly remove any uneaten food.
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspecting your home for potential entry points and sealing them up is an important part of our job as wildlife removal experts. This is a step that should never be missed or overlooked!
  • Trim Vegetation: Raccoons aren’t quite as nimble as squirrels, but they can still use surrounding trees and shrubs to gain access to your roof, attic, and upper home levels. Trim overhanging tree limbs and shrubs near your home to help prevent entry.
  • Install Motion-Activated Lights: Motion-activated lights (or sprinklers systems) can deter raccoons from approaching your home. Raccoons are nocturnal animals and are often startled by sudden lights or noises.
  • Keep Outdoor Areas Clean: Nice weather means more outdoor time. Keep your outdoor space clean and free of food and debris to minimize potential food sources for raccoons. In addition, try to remove any fallen fruits, nuts, and berries from your yard.

Your best bet for keeping raccoons away? Consulting with our professionals. We can assess your property, identify potential attractants and entry points, and recommend effective strategies for raccoon deterrence and management.

Reach out now to get started.

What Should I Do If I Find Raccoon Babies?

If you find one or multiple baby raccoons, it’s essential to approach the situation with caution and care, both for your safety and the safety of the raccoon(s).

First things first, if the baby raccoon is not in immediate danger and you think the mother is nearby, leave the area and observe from a distance. The mother raccoon may return to care for her offspring, as raccoons typically leave their young unattended for periods while they forage for food.

Also, note that raccoon mothers are quite protective of their young and will typically move them to a safer location if they feel threatened. Therefore, the best course of action is often to give them space and avoid disturbing them.

If the mother does not return after several hours, or if the baby raccoon appears to be injured or in distress, contact a local wildlife rehabilitator or animal control center for assistance. Do not attempt to handle or feed the baby raccoon yourself, as improper care can cause harm and wild animals can carry diseases.

If the mother does return, leave the critters be, but take precautions to secure your home against their potential entry – just in case. Raccoons are attracted to easily accessible food sources, such as garbage cans, pet food bowls, and bird feeders, so secure your garbage lids and bring in any human food or pet food that’s outside.

Then, keep an eye on the raccoon family from a safe distance to ensure they are not causing any damage or posing a threat to you or your property. Note any changes in behavior or signs of distress, as these may indicate a need for intervention.

Raccoon Facts & FAQs

What do raccoons typically eat?

A: Raccoons are omnivores and eat a varied diet, including fruits, nuts, insects, small mammals, birds, eggs, and human food scraps…they aren’t picky!

Where do raccoons live?

A: Raccoons are adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats, including forests, marshes, and urban areas.

Do raccoons hibernate?

A: While raccoons do not hibernate in the traditional sense, they do undergo a period of decreased activity in the winter called “torpor.” During this time, they may sleep for long periods but can still be active on warmer days.

How smart are raccoons?

A: Raccoons are highly intelligent animals and are known for their problem-solving abilities. Studies have shown they can remember the solution to tasks for up to three years.

Are raccoons nocturnal?

A: Yes, raccoons are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. However, they can also be active during the day, especially in areas with high human activity.

How long do raccoons normally live?

A: In the wild, raccoons typically live 2-3 years, although some can live up to 5 years. In captivity, they can live up to 20 years.

For Raccoon Removal Near You, We’re the Experts To Trust

For raccoon removal near Memphis, we’re the experts to trust. Our team of trained professionals understands the behavior and habits of raccoons, ensuring safe and humane removal practices that protect both the animals and your property.

Whether you’re dealing with a raccoon in your attic, garden, or any other part of your home, we have the experience and tools to handle the situation effectively with prompt, reliable service tailored to your specific needs.

Trust us to resolve your raccoon issues efficiently and ethically, restoring your home to a safe and raccoon-free environment. Call or schedule with us online now.


When it comes to removing wildlife from your home, even birds require special knowledge and skills to remove safely. We’re ready to help, every step of the way.