Wildlife in Your Memphis Home? Call Us for Humane Squirrel Removal Services

If you’ve been in the Memphis area for awhile, then you know when squirrel season hits in full force. It seems like, as soon as temps rise, these critters are out and about jumping from limbs and scampering around on your roof. Yet, while they can be fun to observe, having squirrels in your home is not an ideal scenario.

We offer humane home squirrel removal and relocation services in the Memphis area and beyond. If you need service, don’t wait to call us. Dial our number now or reach out online today.

Are Your Squirrel Removal Methods Humane?

Yes – all of our wildlife removal methods are entirely humane.

We prioritize the safety and well-being of the animals by using techniques such as live trapping and safe exclusion methods, ensuring that no harm comes to the squirrels.

We are particularly mindful during the breeding season, taking extra care to keep mothers and their babies together. Once captured, we will safely relocate the squirrels to suitable habitats well away from your property. Our goal is to resolve your wildlife issues effectively – while treating the animals with the utmost respect and care in the process.

Red squirrel sits on brick tower

Does Coopertown Offer a Guarantee or Warranty on Animal Removal?

Our services are backed by a written, money-back guarantee. Additionally, we include a one-year warranty against any future damage caused by animals that breach our sealed areas.

To ensure ongoing protection, we also offer a maintenance plan to keep your home animal-free for the duration of your ownership.

About Our Squirrel Removal Process

Our wildlife control experts use only humane methods to remove squirrels from properties. These methods prioritize the safety and well-being of the animals, while effectively resolving the issue for the homeowner.

Here’s what you can expect from our removal process:

  • Complete a thorough inspection. We’ll start by completing a thorough inspection and assessment of your property to identify entry points, nesting sites, and more, gathering a full overview on the extent of the infestation.
  • Install exclusion devices and/or traps. Once we locate entry points, we can install exclusion devices and one-way doors, which allow the squirrels to leave the building, but prevent them from re-entering. We may also set up specialized traps that capture the animals without hurting them.
  • Monitor the situation. Sometimes our projects can span over a few days, during which we’ll spend time monitoring the traps and dealing with all the various complexities of the animal removal process.
  • Seal all entry points. Once the removal process is complete and all of the animals are gone, we’ll take measures to avoid a future infestation. This consists of sealing all entry points with durable materials that will block out all unwanted visitors.
  • Clean and sanitize. Some companies remove wildlife, then go on their way. Not us! We won’t leave you dealing with the unsanitary process of removing animal droppings and picking up after their mess. We’ll handle all of this, leaving your home safe to be in and free of potential wildlife-related health risks.
  • Repair damage. We also will repair any damage caused by your wildlife guests. Squirrels can chew wiring and tear up your insulation, and their droppings can leave behind stains and damage. We’ll ensure all is good to go before we leave.
  • Educate the homeowner. Our preventive measures work wonders in keeping animals out for good, but a little education can go a long way too. We’ll offer our best advice for avoiding a future invasion in the future (things like trimming branches, securing garbage lids, etc.).

Any questions for our team? We’re happy to answer them. Give us a call today, or if you’d like to set up an appointment, fill out our online form. We’ve got your back.

Red Squirrell with fluffy tail in the Veranda

How Long Does the Squirrel Removal Process Take?

The time frame of the animal removal process can vary a lot based on the extent of the infestation, the location of the critters, how much damage they’ve left behind, and more.

The initial part of the removal process (completing an inspection, sealing entry points, and setting traps) may be done within a matter of hours, but if you have a larger infestation, we may want to monitor the situation for a few days to ensure all matters are taken care of – and that every critter is actually out.

What Are Signs That Squirrels Are in My Home?

What are some common signs of squirrels in your house?

  • Scratching & Scurrying Sounds: You might hear the sounds of them scampering around, especially during early morning or late evening when squirrels are most active.
  • Chewing Noises & Gnaw Marks: Squirrels gnaw on materials to keep their teeth sharp – sometimes you can hear this, while other times they’ll leave behind visible gnaw marks.
  • Chewed Wires & Insulation: Squirrels often chew on electrical wires and insulation, which can lead to visible damage and potential fire hazards.
  • Damaged Entry Points: Check for signs of damage around vents, eaves, and other potential entry points where squirrels might have chewed their way in.
  • Squirrel Droppings: These are similar to rat droppings but slightly larger, and they’re usually found in attics or around entry points.
  • Nesting Materials: Squirrels use materials like leaves, twigs, and insulation to build nests. You may see nests in trees close to your home, in a crawl space, or inside your attic.
  • Frequent Squirrel Activity: Seeing squirrels frequently around your home, especially near the roof or attic, can indicate they’ve found a way inside. If you spot a squirrel entering or exiting your home, particularly at roofline junctions or vents, those warning bells should be ringing.
  • Unpleasant Odors: The accumulation of squirrel urine and droppings can create a strong, unpleasant odor over time.
  • Tracks & Footprints: Look for small footprints or tail marks in dusty or less frequented areas of your attic or basement.
  • Hidden Food Stashes: Squirrels often store nuts and other food items in hidden spots. Finding these caches in your attic or other areas can indicate their presence.

Noticed one or a few (or many!) of these signs? Don’t wait to call us in – the sooner we tackle your wildlife invasion, the better.

How Can You Prevent Squirrels From Coming Back?

We’ve got the squirrels safely out and relocated, and your home is finally back to normal…great! Now, how can you ensure things stay this way?

We work to prevent squirrels from coming back by implementing a series of exclusion and prevention techniques and devices. This includes thoroughly inspecting and sealing all potential entry points with durable materials, such as steel mesh or hardware cloth to block access.

To further discourage squirrels, we recommend removing food sources (think bird feeders or unsecured garbage cans), as well as trimming tree branches that provide easy access to your roof. You may also want to consider installing squirrel guards on trees and poles to prevent them from climbing and finding a new entry point.

Are Squirrels Dangerous?

Squirrels are generally not considered dangerous to humans when they’re out in the wild. That said, when they’re in your home, they may be scared and could bite or scratch if they feel threatened or cornered. Squirrel bites can be painful and may lead to infections if not properly treated.

In addition, squirrels can carry diseases that might be transmissible to humans, such as Lyme disease (through ticks), leptospirosis, and, in rare cases, rabies.

Now, in terms of property damage, squirrels can be a bit more of a problem. They can chew through electrical wires, insulation, and wood, potentially leading to fires or structural damage in homes, and if they defecate on furniture or flooring, you’ll have damage to address there too.

All in all, while squirrels are mostly peaceful out in the wild, having them in your home can invite a lot of risks. That’s why we’ll always recommend hiring a professional when it comes to removing them.

Need to book something? Reach out online or give us a call today.

Is It Safe To Remove Squirrels Myself?

No – it is not safe or practical to remove squirrels yourself. Here’s why:

  • Squirrels can carry diseases, such as rabies and leptospirosis, which pose significant health risks to humans.
  • Squirrels can become aggressive if they feel scared or threatened, potentially leading to bites and scratches.
  • The process of capturing and handling squirrels often requires specialized equipment and knowledge to ensure it is done humanely and effectively.
  • Improper removal techniques can result in incomplete exclusion, leading to repeated infestations and ongoing damage to your home.

Professionals are trained to identify entry points, safely remove the animals, and implement effective exclusion and repair strategies to prevent future infestations. Play it safe, and reach out to Coopertown’s experts today. We’ve got you covered.

Are There Any Legal Considerations for Squirrel Removal?

Yes, there are legal considerations for squirrel removal. Squirrels are considered wildlife and, as such, are protected by laws and regulations in many areas.

Here in Tennessee, you’ll need a permit for releasing wildlife anywhere other than your own property. Laws also require that squirrels and other wildlife be treated humanely during removal. This means using trapping and removal methods that minimize harm and stress to the animals. Inhumane methods such as poison or drowning are illegal and unethical.

To avoid any legal issues, it’s best to hire a qualified wildlife removal company in Memphis – like us – to handle the removal process. Our professionals are trained to comply with local laws and regulations while safely and humanely removing any squirrels from your property in the process.

Squirrel Facts & FAQs

What do squirrels normally eat?

A: Squirrels are primarily herbivores, eating a variety of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They also eat insects, bird eggs, and fungi.

How long do squirrels typically live?

A: In the wild, squirrels typically live around 6 to 12 years, though many do not survive past their first year due to predators and/or accidents. In captivity, they can live up to 20 years.

Why do squirrels bury nuts?

A: Squirrels bury nuts to store food for the winter when food sources are low and scarce. This behavior is called “caching.”

How do squirrels find their buried nuts?

A: Squirrels use a combination of memory, smell, and spatial cues to locate their buried nuts. They have excellent spatial memory and can remember the general area where they buried their food.

Are squirrels social animals?

A: Most squirrel species are solitary, particularly tree squirrels. However, ground squirrels can be more social and live in colonies.

Do squirrels hibernate?

A: Most tree squirrels do not hibernate. Instead, they remain active throughout the year, relying on their cached food. However, some ground squirrels do hibernate during the winter.

Why do squirrels chew on things?

A: Squirrels have constantly growing teeth, so they need to chew on various materials to keep their teeth sharp and at a manageable length. They often chew on wood, wires, and plastic.

Do squirrels communicate with each other?

A: Yes, squirrels communicate using vocalizations, body language, and tail movements. They use these signals to warn of danger, establish territory, and interact socially.

Can squirrels swim?

A: Yes, squirrels can swim. They use a doggy paddle motion to move through the water, although they do not swim frequently.

Why do squirrels flick their tails?

A: Squirrels flick their tails to communicate various messages, such as alerting other squirrels of danger, expressing agitation, or during mating displays.

Coopertown Is the Preferred Choice for Squirrel & Wildlife Removal in Memphis & More

Don’t let wildlife take over your home. Trust the experts at Coopertown for safe, humane, and effective squirrel and wildlife removal services in Memphis and countless areas nearby.

Coopertown’s commitment to excellence and humane practices makes us the leading choice for squirrel and wildlife removal. With years of experience and a dedicated team of professionals, we ensure your home will stay safer and wildlife-free

Contact us today to schedule an inspection and protect your property from unwanted guests.


You’ll definitely want to call on our wildlife removal experts to help you get rid of roof rats…we know what to do!