Need a New Chimney Built? We Offer Chimney Rebuild Services in Memphis & More

Whether you need a damaged (existing) chimney torn down and a new one built in its place, or you’re looking to create a brand new chimney system in your home, Coopertown Services would love to provide you with a beautiful, well-built, and long-lasting chimney.

Since 1978, chimneys have been our passion and our specialty – it’s what we love to do, and it’s what we do best! We know building a new chimney is a big job, and that choosing a company to do that job is a big decision…but with Coopertown, you can expect results you’ll be proud of and confident in.

Ready to get started? Call or book online today – we’d love to help you out!

Coopertown Crew Standing Next To A Large Crane For Building Chimneys with a chocolate lab

Masonry or Prefabricated: We Can Build & Install the Chimney You Want

The two main types of chimneys Coopertown Services regularly builds and installs are pre-fabricated and masonry. Each has its own benefits, and our technicians can talk to you about your home, your heating needs, and your tastes to help you make an informed decision about which is the best choice for you.

Once you know what kind of chimney makes the most sense for your home, our experienced, Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)-certified technicians will build or install a unit that allows you and your family to safely enjoy a warm fire for years to come. Here’s a bit more on each option…

Prefabricated Chimneys

Prefabricated (or factory-built) fireplaces and chimneys are built together as one unit and designed to work together seamlessly. They’re also tested together, and they must pass strict safety and efficiency standards to be allowed in a home.

Many homeowners choose to go with prefabricated systems because they are beautiful, efficient, and affordable additions to any home. They’re also quicker to install than a masonry option is to build. Factory-built chimneys generally consist of a steel pipe that terminates through your roof (and not much else).

Let Coopertown Services install your prefabricated chimney, and build a beautiful chase to provide extra protection – and a lot more curb appeal.

Construction of modular ceramic chimney

Masonry Chimneys

Masonry chimneys, made from robust materials such as brick, stone, or concrete, are enduring fixtures in many homes. Known for their durability, these chimneys can withstand high temperatures and harsh weather conditions, often lasting a literal lifetime.

Many opt for a masonry setup because of its longevity, as well as its more timeless and classic appeal.

To keep your masonry chimney in optimal condition, regular inspections and professional maintenance are essential. Coopertown Services provides expert care to ensure your chimney remains a beautiful and efficient feature of your home for years to come.

Historic Chimneys

Masonry chimneys are timeless, classic, and – when designed and built well – can be extremely long-lasting additions to any home. Coopertown Services technicians regularly work on historic Memphis homes with strong chimneys that have survived decade upon decade of weather and use…and still stand tall!

That said, if your historic chimney is officially past its prime and you’re in need of a new masonry chimney, we can build one that’s strong, durable, protected, and designed to do its job efficiently and safely – while blending in seamlessly with your aesthetic.

What Are Signs That I Need a Chimney Rebuild?

How do you know if your chimney actually needs to be rebuilt or if a few repairs will get the job taken care of? Well, it’s hard to know the full extent without getting the eyes of a professional on the job. That said, the following indicate that some type of professional help is in order, so keep a lookout for the following:

  • Cracked or Spalling Bricks: If bricks are cracked, crumbling, falling apart (spalling), or missing altogether, it usually suggests there’s more severe damage under the surface…and that may mean that a rebuild is in order.
  • Damaged Mortar Joints: Mortar joints that are deteriorating, crumbling, or have significant gaps can compromise the structural integrity of the chimney. Oftentimes, these can be repaired with tuckpointing services, but if the damage is too bad, we may have to rebuild certain areas.
  • Leaning or Tilting Chimney: A chimney that is visibly leaning or tilting away from the house is a serious structural issue – and should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid home damage or injuries to those within the home.
  • Chimney Crown Damage: A damaged or cracked chimney crown will allow water easier access to the chimney and should be repaired right away to avoid bigger issues.However, if it’s gone unaddressed for too long, the damage may be past the point of repair.
  • Smoke Infiltration: If smoke is entering the home instead of exiting through the chimney, there could be structural damage or blockages present that require rebuilding.
  • Deteriorated Flashing: Flashing that is cracked or separated from the chimney can cause water infiltration and subsequent damage to the chimney’s structure.
  • Settlement or Foundation Issues: Cracks or damage in the chimney’s foundation or the home’s foundation around the chimney can necessitate a rebuild.
  • Old Age: An old chimney that has not been maintained properly over the years is more likely to require rebuilding due to accumulated damage. Even if it looks fine, be aware that old age could make your chimney more vulnerable.

Identifying these issues early and getting them addressed is your best chance for avoiding a full rebuild down the line. It’s because of this that we so strongly recommend investing in annual inspections. These allow the sweep to do a thorough overview and get to the bottom of any issues before they worsen.

Need to schedule something? Reach out online or give us a call today.

How Long Does the Chimney Rebuild Process Typically Take?

The duration of a chimney rebuild process varies based on several factors, so it’s hard to give a solid estimate right here on our website – and the last thing we want is to be misleading. To give you a more honest outlook, we’d need to hear about your unique situation, as time periods can vary based on…

Extent of Damage: Minor repairs or partial rebuilds will naturally take less time than a complete tear-down and reconstruction.

Size & Height of Chimney: Taller or wider chimneys require more materials and labor, extending the project timeline. Chimneys with multiple flues may also require additional time.

Materials Used: The type of materials chosen for the rebuild, such as specific types of bricks, stones, or custom masonry units, can affect how quickly they can be sourced and used. In addition, some materials, like natural stone, are more complex to work with and may take longer to install.

Weather Conditions: Inclement weather such as rain, snow, or extreme temperatures can delay work or make certain construction activities impractical. In addition, wet conditions can affect the curing times for mortar and other materials.

Accessibility & Location: Chimneys that are difficult to access, such as those on steep roofs or in confined areas, may take longer to rebuild due to the need for specialized equipment or additional safety precautions.

Custom Features: Adding custom features like decorative masonry, chimney caps, or specialized liners can increase the time required for the rebuild, as can integrating modern features such as new venting systems or dampers.

Unforeseen Issues: Discovery of additional damage or structural issues during the rebuild can lead to extended timelines.

Like we said…let’s talk first, then get some plans set up. We’d love to hear from you!

Book Your New Full or Partial Chimney Rebuild With Us

Are you looking to have a new masonry or prefabricated chimney built or installed? Choosing the right team for your chimney rebuild is crucial for ensuring safety, longevity, and aesthetic appeal.

At Coopertown Services, we combine years of expertise with a commitment to quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. Whether you need a full chimney rebuild or a partial restoration, our skilled professionals are equipped to handle the job efficiently and meticulously.

Don’t wait until minor issues become major problems. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and secure a safer, more beautiful chimney for your home. Your peace of mind is our priority, and we look forward to serving you. Call us at 901-358-7777, or book online today.


Our chimney repairs crews handle every kind of repair imagineable, including taking care of prefabricated fireplaces, so you can be sure you’ll be taken care of!