Choosing a chimney sweep to care for your fireplace system is about more than finding the cheapest company or picking the first name out of the phone book. Instead, working with the right chimney sweep ensures that your fireplace system will be well maintained in order to burn safely and efficiently for years to come. What Our CSIA Certification Means For You Image - Memphis TN - Coopertown Services

When it comes to finding a chimney sweep company, homeowners should look for sweeps with professional certifications and training. One of the top industry standards is a CSIA certification. At Coopertown Services we are proud to employ CSIA certified chimney sweeps in order to give our customers the best chimney care possible.

What is a CSIA certification?

The Chimney Safety Institute of America, or CSIA, is a professional licensing organization for chimney sweeps. In addition to providing consumers with valuable information, the CSIA offers training and certification for chimney sweeps.

CSIA certifications are widely considered the industry gold standard for chimney sweeps. In order to earn this certification, sweeps much undergo an education, training, and testing curriculum. This ensures they are well versed and knowledgeable in all aspects of chimney care including sweeping techniques, building codes, and EPA standards.

In order to maintain their certification, sweeps must retest every three years. This focus on continuing education ensures that CSIA certified sweeps are always up to date on the latest advancements in the fireplace industry.

Choosing the Right Chimney Sweep

There are a number of factors that homeowners should consider when hiring a chimney sweep – including their professional certifications or guild memberships. The following are just a few examples of questions to ask your chimney sweep before they work on your home.

  • Will the chimney sweep at my home be CSIA certified?
  • How long has the company been in business in this area?
  • Can you provide references from current customers?
  • Does the company and the chimney sweeps carry liability insurance in case of accidental damages?

How our CSIA Certifications Benefit You

At Coopertown Services, we are proud to live in the same community we serve. We have been maintaining fireplace and chimneys in the Memphis area since 1977 and pride ourselves on providing high-quality services and education to our friends and neighbors.

All of our chimney sweeps are certified by the CSIA; this ensures that no matter which sweep is working at your home, you can rest assured that they are a knowledgeable professional with years of experience. We are a one-stop chimney shop and can take care of everything from chimney sweepings and inspections to humane animal removal and chimney rebuilds.

Working with a CSIA certified chimney sweep ensures that your fireplace system in being cared for by a highly trained, knowledgeable, and ethical professional. If you are in the Memphis area, trust the CSIA certified chimney sweeps at Coopertown Services to care for all your fireplace and chimney needs. Contact us today for more information on the benefits of working with a CSIA certified chimney sweep or to schedule your next appointment.