West Tennessee is known for its lush foliage and abundant wildlife. While birds, raccoons, squirrels, and other animals are an important part of the local ecosystems, there is one place we don’t want to see them – in our homes. Whether they sneak into the attic, scurry into the chimney, or scamper into a crawlspace, animals can cause damage to our homes while exposing our friends and family to insects and diseases.
While the sounds – and smells – of animal entry may be easy to identify, many homeowners are unsure how to remove animals from their homes. At Coopertown Services, we have more than 30 years’ experience humanely and effectively removing animals from homes – and preventing them from coming back.
What types of animals can get into my home?
The animals most commonly found in homes are small mammals such as squirrels and “roof rats”, raccoons, and many species of birds. As suburban areas expand and their natural habitats are destroyed, animal entry is becoming an
increasingly common issue.
Small animals can squeeze through holes and gaps as small as just two inches; likewise, raccoons are known for biting, gnawing, and scratching at wood or metal until they create holes large enough to fit in. Likewise, many animals return to the same areas to nest every year. This can lead to years of damage that can be costly to repair – and difficult to prevent.
How do animals get in?
While wild animals are naturally afraid of humans, there are a number of factors that can drive them to seek shelter in a home. Avoiding predators, searching for warmth, needing food, or finding a place to build a nest or birth young can all lead to animal entry.
The three most common places animals are found in a home are the chimney, the attic, and any crawl spaces. Animals can find gaps that are cracks in the masonry around the chimney, as well as any holes or loose areas surrounding the chimney cap. Chimneys are attractive to birds in particular as the dark, enclosed space mimics the hollowed-out trees of their natural habitats.
The primary way small mammals can get into attics and crawl spaces is by clawing or chewing a hole through weakened wood, allowing them to enter. Unscreened windows, vents, and gables are other common points of animal entry. Attics are seen as ideal environments for squirrels and raccoons to nest as they are dark, quiet, and protected from both the elements and predators. These same animals use insulation and electrical wires as a food source, which can cause thousands of dollars in damage.
We specialize in humane animal removal
Coopertown Services specializes in humane wildlife removal. This means that we are able to encourage animals to take their babies and leave on their own, rather than using traps or other dangerous or outdated methods to remove the animals. We are licensed by the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency and are members of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association.
If an animal has taken residence in your chimney or attic, do not attempt to move or remove them yourself. Not only can this cause further damage to your home, but it can also put you and your family – and the animals – at risk for harm. Many animals, including birds, carry parasites and other diseases; exposure to nesting materials, droppings, saliva, or bites from these animals can transmit illnesses.
Attempting to “smoke out” an animal should never be done for a number of reasons. First, opening the flue to start a fire gives the animal access to your fireplace – and the rest of your home. Next, starting a fire can ignite any dried nesting materials or other debris in the chimney, leading to a chimney fire. Lastly, “smoking out” trapped wildlife usually leads to the death of the animal; inhaling smoke and other byproducts of combustion can leave animals confused, scared, disoriented, and unable to find their way out of the flue.
Trust the one year guarantee from Coopertown Services!
At Coopertown Services, we are so confident in our animal removal services that we offer a one year guarantee against further animal entry. Our technicians spend an average of 10-12 hours going over a home inch-by-inch to ensure there are no remaining holes, cracks, or crevices where animals could enter the home.
Every gap that is found is sealed with metal, steel mesh, and stainless steel screws. These materials are gnaw-proof and will prevent even the most motivated animals from entering your home. In addition to the one-year guarantee, homeowners have the option to extend their guarantee year after year.
Animals seeking shelter, warmth, or a place to build a nest can be tenacious when trying to enter a home. At Coopertown Services, our more than 30 years of wildlife experience have given us the knowledge and skills to get animal removal correct. To ensure animals are humanely and permanently removed from your home, contact the wildlife removal experts at Coopertown Services today!